Friday, October 29, 2010

Who's Reading This, Anyway?

Yesterday I tried to organize a trip to the Sewer Museum, but after changing the time to accommodate more people, I ended up there by myself. Also, I accidentally forgot one girl could come and I never went to the Métro stop where everyone was supposed to meet, so we didn't get to meet up. My bad. I walked all the way there (and back). Four miles each way. The museum was pretty cool. There was a weird smell, though, and it was kind of muggy down there so I wasn't a huge fan. I think it would have been more interesting if I was more interested in engineering. Also the English translations were pretty bad, but it was funny. The French sewer system is quite complex. There are so many different facets that have been improved and perfected over the years. And apparently there are fish in the Seine. Even though you can't see an inch under the water. It was also kind of gross to see what used to be done with the waste. It went from "tout à la rue" to "tout à l'égout" which means, from all in the street to all in the sewer. It sounds better/rhymes in French haha. There were also these giant balls they used to clean the sewers, which I thought were kind of funny. I still think the most interesting part about the sewers is the Victor Hugo aspect. In Les Mis he pretty much documented the entire sewer system (cut out from the version we all read). I did feel a little like Jean Valjean going through, too. But it smelled a little bit better and I wasn't hiding from the cops. When I got home I was exhausted and starving, so I did my homework, watched some TV, and went to bed. I've been walking to school, too, which hasn't been horrible. It was kind of cold on Monday morning, but today it was pretty nice. Also, on Monday, I found 5 euros in the street. I was like, "oh karma, you think you're soooo funny...." I also saw the biggest dog I have ever seen. It was literally a giant wolf. On all fours it was well above its owner's waist. I'm sure if it stood on its hind legs it would definitely be taller than me. It was kind of like a blend between Sirius's Animagus and Lupin as a werewolf but grey and even bigger. I was so mad I didn't bring my camera that day. Now I'm at school, getting through these last few days before break. Hopefully Bruges happens and if not it's OK because Mara is coming on Wednesday and it's going to be great. I'm also watching The Rocky Horror Glee Show between my classes and Glee really does make everything better. I was smiling like an idiot in the cafeteria haha.
In my art class, we had a sub. She was completely clad in purple, it was absurd. Pants, shirt, coat, scarf, even her bag. We went, yup, you guessed it, to the SAME MUSEUM WE WENT TO LAST WEEK. I snuck onto the bus because I still don't have a pass. Also, it turns out that I did my homework wrong from the week before. We were supposed to do it on paintings in one certain room, but I thought we could use any of them. But I used paintings we were supposed to write about this week. Oops, hopefully my teacher doesn't know the museum by heart. This teacher was a little more interesting than our normal one. She took us through the part of the museum that had to do with the French Revolution. They have a mini-Bastille that was carved out of an actual piece of the real Bastille--pretty cool. After class, I started walking towards where our cooking class was for that night. On the way, I got sooo hungry so I got a sandwich and scarfed it in about two seconds. I also got tortilla chips and funny dinosaur shaped gummy snacks haha. Excellent meal. I got to the Cordon Bleu really early because I just walked straight from class, so I found random WiFi and watched some TV sitting on a ledge outside an apartment building lol. The class was pretty fun, I was just exhausted. Also I will never ever be able to make what the chef did (he also didn't follow the recipe at all). It was delicious, though. We only got to taste it, which might have been worse than not getting to try it because we all just wanted more. Even though they didn't give us real forks. (What the heck is that thing?)Also, they put guinea fowl in a blender and then through a mesh thing to make it even finer, and it was called "forcemeat," but we all thought they were saying "horse meat" and having a panic attack. We figured it out, though, which was good because I wasn't going to eat it otherwise. Even if horse meat is "sweet, rich, lean, and soft" according to Bones. No thanks. After the class, I squeezed onto the Metro with the other girls, and then got interrogated about my germ issues when I didn't sit down like I always don't haha. I've decided I think I need therapy.

Today I didn't really do a lot, but my new debit card came so things are looking up! I was able to get my train tickets and reserve my hostel for Bruges this weekend. What better way to spend Halloween than in a Medieval city? Stoked. Hopefully all the trains work and the hostel isn't horrible. Last day of class tomorrow before vacation. Picking up my tickets and also hopefully buying a new wallet. Also, found out we're going to a France vs. England soccer game while we're in London, so that will be awesome :)

Finally, I saw my blog had 37 hits yesterday, and it's been getting that traffic pretty consistently. From what I can tell, not very many of my friends actually read this, so I was wondering who does. If you could just leave a quick comment or somehow let me know, that would be awesome!! Just want to get an idea of who actually reads this thing :)


  1. I read it! I think Mrs. Schmidt would find your sewer experience funny. Also, yay Glee!

  2. Forcemeat - yuk - we made that in school. It really should be illegal....
    oh, I'm reading!
